
Difference Between Editing And Revising

Improving the formatting, style, and accurateness of text

Copy editing (also known as copyediting and manuscript editing) is the procedure of revising written textile (copy) to improve readability and fettle, besides as ensuring that text is gratis of grammatical and factual errors.[ane] [2] The Chicago Manual of Style states that manuscript editing encompasses "elementary mechanical corrections (mechanical editing) through sentence-level interventions (line, or stylistic, editing) to substantial remedial work on literary style and clarity, disorganized passages, amorphous prose, muddled tables and figures, and the like (noun editing)". In the context of print publication, copy editing is washed earlier typesetting and again before proofreading.[3] : ane–5 [1] Outside traditional book and periodical publishing, the term copy editing is used more broadly, and is sometimes referred to as proofreading, or the term re-create editing sometimes includes additional tasks.

Although copy editors are generally expected to brand simple revisions to shine awkward passages, they do not have a license to rewrite a text line by line, nor do they set cloth on an author'due south behalf. Creating original content to exist published under another person's name is called ghostwriting. Furthermore, copy editors are expected to query structural and organizational problems, but they are not expected to set up these problems. In improver, re-create editors do non commonly engage in developmental editing, which includes helping an author develop an idea into a publishable manuscript, overhauling a crude draft, identifying gaps in field of study coverage, devising strategies for more-effective communication of content, and creating features to enhance the final product and make it more competitive in the marketplace.[4]

In the Us and Canada, an editor who does this work is called a copy editor. An arrangement'south highest-ranking copy editor, or the supervising editor of a grouping of copy editors, may exist known as the copy chief, re-create desk-bound chief, or news editor. In the United Kingdom, the term copy editor is used, but in newspaper and magazine publishing, the term is subeditor (or sub-editor), commonly shortened to sub.[5] In the context of the Internet, online copy refers to the textual content of spider web pages. Similar to print, online copy editing is the process of revising and preparing the raw or draft text of web pages for publication.[6]

Copy editing has three levels: lite, medium, and heavy. Depending on the budget and scheduling of the publication, the publisher will let the copy editor know what level of editing to employ. The called type of editing will help the copy editor prioritize their efforts.[3] : 12

Inside copy editing, there is mechanical editing and noun editing. Mechanical editing is the process of aligning a document with editorial or house style, keeping the preferred manner and grammar rules of publication consistent across all content. Content editing, also known as substantive editing, is the editing of the fabric, including its construction and organisation, to ensure internal consistency.[3] : 5–x

Practices [edit]

Mechanical editing [edit]

Mechanical editing is the process of proofreading a piece of writing for consistency, either internally or in accord with the publisher's house manner. According to Einsohn, mechanical editors work with such things as the following:[seven]

  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Boosted elements, such as charts, tables, and graphs
  • Capitalization
  • Footnotes and endnotes
  • Hyphenation
  • Italicization (appropriate utilise of emphasis (italic or bold); appropriate pick of broad typeface category (italic, roman, other), especially in mathematical or scientific texts)
  • Numbers and numerals
  • Punctuation
  • Quotations
  • Spelling

Gilad likewise mentions the following:[eight] [ need quotation to verify ]

  • Initialisms
  • Page numbers, headers, and footers
  • Underscoring

Proper spelling and punctuation are subjective in some cases, where they must be left to the discretion of the copy editor or the publisher. Almost publishing firms use a widely recognized style guide such as The Chicago Transmission of Way or The Associated Press Stylebook. Companies that produce documents and reports simply do not consider themselves publishers in the usual sense tend to rely on in-house style guides or on the judgment of the copyeditor.[iii] : five

Grammar and usage [edit]

The goal of the re-create editor is to enforce inviolable rules while respecting personal stylistic preferences. This tin exist difficult, equally some writers view grammatical corrections as a claiming to their intellectual ability or professional identity. Therefore, copy editors are encouraged to respect the writer'due south preference if information technology is acceptable. This exercise is complicated further by volatile linguistic communication conventions every bit recorded by books on grammar and usage, the authors of which oft disagree.[iii] : 333–337

Content editing [edit]

Content editing consists of reorganizing or restructuring a document. This involves any inconsistent parts of the content likewise as any variances. Content editors tin can fix the content by either rewriting it or heavily editing information technology. However, the copy editor will oftentimes point out whatever difficult passages for the author to resolve on his or her own time.[3] : 9

Although copy editors are not responsible for factual correctness of the certificate, they can provide comments for the author on any information that they know to exist untrue,[3] : 9 such as year discrepancies or misleading ideas. Such fact-checking is acceptable for copy editors who know the certificate's subject thing.[3] : 7–10

The re-create editor must also point out whatever biased language without infringing on the writer's meaning. This includes material "that might grade the basis for a lawsuit alleging libel, invasion of privacy, or obscenity". Some see censoring biased language as political correctness, and then it is important that the copy editor distinguish between the 2.[iii] : 7–10 To do this, the re-create editor will permit intentional "politically incorrect" views and censor merely marginalized, offensive, or sectional language.[iii] : 405

Correlating parts, typecoding, and permissions [edit]

Well-nigh manuscripts will require the copy editor to correlate the parts within it. Re-create editors must carry out the post-obit tasks in this process:[3] : 7

  • Verify any cantankerous-references that appear in the text
  • Cheque the numbering of footnotes, endnotes, tables, and illustrations
  • Specify the placement of tables and illustrations
  • Check the content of the illustrations against the captions and the text
  • Read the list of illustrations against the illustrations and captions
  • Read the table of contents against the manuscript
  • Read the footnotes/endnotes and in-text citations against the bibliography
  • Bank check the alphabetization of the bibliography or reference listing

Some manuscripts may require special cantankerous-checking. For example, in a how-to text, a re-create editor might demand to verify that the list of equipment or parts matches the instructions given inside the text.[3] : 7

Typecoding is the procedure of identifying which sections of the manuscript are not regular running text. These portions of text, known as elements, include the following:[3] : 10

  • Function and chapter numbers
  • Titles and subtitles
  • Headings and subheadings
  • Lists
  • Extracts
  • Displayed equations
  • Tabular array numbers
  • Source lines
  • Footnotes
  • Figure numbers and captions

It is the copy editor'southward job to typecode (or brand note of) all manuscript elements for the publication designer.[9] Difficult-copy copy editors are usually asked to pencil in the typecodes in the left margin of the manuscript. On-screen copy editors may be asked to insert typecodes at the first and cease of each chemical element.[three] : x

Finally, if the manuscript contains long quotations from a published piece of work that is still nether copyright, the copy editor should remind the writer to larn permission to reprint those quotations. The same goes for the reprinting of tables, charts, graphs, and illustrations that have appeared in print. Rules vary for the reproduction of unpublished materials (letters, diaries, etc.)[iii] : x

Processes [edit]

There are basic procedures that every copy editor must follow: re-create editors need a system for mark changes to the author's text (marking), a process for querying the author and the editorial coordinator (querying), a method for keeping runway of editorial decisions (recordkeeping), and procedures for incorporating the writer'southward review of the copyediting into a final document (cleanup). These systems were originally developed in an era before that of the computer, only over fourth dimension these procedures were adjusted for a digital on-screen space.[3] : seven–x

Each medium (in print and on screen) has its own affordances, and although a copy editor may prefer one editing process over the other, copy editors are practically required to employ both techniques.

Hard-copy editing [edit]

Traditional markup copyediting, or hard-copy editing, is still important because screening tests for employment may be administered in difficult copy. Also, the author whose text the copy editor is editing may adopt difficult-copy markup, and copy editors demand to know traditional markup in case documents and materials cannot exist exchanged electronically. When editing in hard copy, all participating parties (the editor, author, typesetter, and proofreader) must understand the marks the copy editor makes, and therefore a universal marking arrangement that signifies these changes exists. This is also why the re-create editor should write legibly and neatly. Copy editors working hard copy write their corrections in the text directly, leaving the margins for querying. Commonly, the copy editor is asked to write in a bright color so that the author and other parties can easily recognize the editor's changes.[3] : 7–10

On-screen editing [edit]

Every yr, more editing projects are being done on computers and fewer in print. Also, if there is a digital version of a text the copy editor is editing, they can more than hands search words, run spell checkers, and generate make clean copies of messy pages. The kickoff thing copy editors must practise when editing on screen is to re-create the author'southward files, as the original document must be preserved.[iii] : seven–10 Each word-processing program provides various options for how an editor's markups are shown on screen and on the printout. On-screen editing mainly differs from hard-copy editing in the fact that the copy editor should edit more cleanly on screen, refraining from saving parts of words, and be conscientious in maintaining proper line spacing.[iii] : 7–10

Querying [edit]

Copy editors often need to query their authors in club to accost questions, comments, or explanations: near of these can be washed in the margins of the text, or the comment section when on screen.[3] : 7–x The copy editor must consider when to query and the length and tone of their queries, equally querying too often or seldom, cryptically, or sarcastically can event in a negative relationship between the copy editor and the writer.[3] : 7–10

Goals [edit]

A copy editor'south goals may alter depending on the publication for which they work; nevertheless, there are a few constituencies which must always exist served – the author (the person who wrote or compiled the manuscript), the publisher (the person or company which pays for production), and the readers (the audience for whom the material is being produced). These parties (together with the copy editor) work to achieve the same goal, which is to produce an error-free publication and improve the reader experience, by reducing extraneous cognitive load.[10] The copy editor strives to improve clarity, coherence, consistency, and definiteness – otherwise known as the "4 Cs", each of which serves the copy editor'south "primal C", which is communication.[3] : 3

History [edit]

The biggest difference betwixt monastic copyists and copyeditors is that copyeditors exit edits as suggestions that tin be rejected by the writer. These printing houses established procedures for editing, preparing the text, and proofreading. Specialist correctors ensured that texts followed the standards of the time.[xi]

Before the printing press, monastic copyists contradistinct words or phrases they thought were odd, under the assumption that the copyist earlier them had fabricated a error. This is what led to and so much multifariousness in standard texts like the Bible.[ citation needed ]

After the globalization of the volume from 1800 to 1970 came the ascension of American writers and editors. One editor in particular, Maxwell Perkins, was sought out by writers such equally Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and Wolfe considering he profoundly improved the work of these prominent authors with his editorial eye. Perkins was known for editing, guiding, and befriending his writers – but the times were changing.[12]

In the late 19th century, the office of an editor was to decide if a manuscript was skilful enough to be published. As fourth dimension passed, the role of an editor and publisher became more than distant. Although at that place was a newfound relationship between editors and authors, thoughtful editing did non terminate.[12]

Copyeditors were employed at diverse publishing houses, magazines, journals, and by private authors seeking revisions to their work. Some copyeditors were even employed by public relations and advertising firms who valued potent editing practices in their business.[13]

The symbols used past copyeditors today are based on those that have been used by proofreaders since the ancestry of publishing, though they take undergone some changes over time. However, the exact beginnings of the copyediting language used today are unclear. Despite its long history, copyediting every bit a practise has not experienced any extreme upheaval other than the desktop publishing revolution of the 1980s. This miracle began every bit the result of a series of inventions that were released during the centre of this decade, and refers to the growth of technology usage in the field of copyediting.[14] [fifteen] Namely, the development of the Macintosh computer, the desktop laser printer by Hewlett-Packard, and software for desktop publishing called PageMaker allowed the revolution to begin.[14] [16] By assuasive both individuals and publishing agencies alike to cheaply and effectively begin to edit compositions entirely on-screen rather than by hand, desktop publishing revolution morphed copyediting into the exercise information technology is today. Virtually copyeditors today rely on more modern WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) text processors such as Microsoft Word that are based on the original PageMaker to do their work.

There were a few events that led to changes within copyediting every bit a career. One of these, the successful strike of the editorial department of the Newark Ledger from Nov 17, 1934, to March 28, 1935, was "the beginning major action of its kind past any local guild ... [it] both confirmed the irreversibility of the guilds' movement away from the professional association thought and greatly accelerated that process".[17] Paired with another string of strikes led by The New York Newspaper Guild against a number of smaller newspapers in the summer of 1934, these actions served to shift the image of the editorial worker as a "professional" to ane as an boilerplate denizen.[17] Some other strike from the yr 1934 was the strike at the Macaulay Company, reportedly the first-always strike to occur at a publishing firm. At the conclusion of the second Macaulay strike, which occurred 3 months subsequently the first, the nationwide bulldoze towards unionization had entered the publishing industry and was "sweeping through all the major publishing houses".[18] Equally these events seemed to take the secondary result of lowering the status of editors beyond the various publishing fields, it could be said that they sparked the decline of copyeditors, which can be seen across the publishing fields today.

Attributable to the rise of the Digital Age, the roles and responsibilities of a copyeditor have inverse. For instance, beginning in 1990, copyeditors learned pagination electronically.[19] [ folio needed ] They could now look at different pages of a text on multiple screens and easily edit on at that place, as opposed to pasting them past manus onto a lath. This technological advance too required that copyeditors acquire new software such as Pagemaker, Quark Xpress, and now Adobe InDesign.

Modern copyeditors are often required to edit for digital likewise as print versions of the text. Digital copyediting requires copyeditors to understand RSS feeds, social media such as Twitter and Facebook, and HyperText Markup Language.[nineteen] [ folio needed ] What should be accounted for is that in this digital age, information is constantly being released, which leads to the pass up in the editing of the online versions. Editors of the website BuzzFeed commented that sometimes they "simply can't go every postal service earlier information technology's published".[20] While copyeditors still do traditional tasks such as checking for facts, grammar, style, and writing headlines, some of their duties have been pushed aside to make way for technology. Some copyeditors now have to pattern page layouts and some fifty-fifty edit video content. Copyeditors are now sometimes referred to as "copy/layout editors" or "producers/designers".[21]

Changes in the field [edit]

Example of non-professional re-create editing in progress: the certificate finally published equally[22]

Traditionally, the copy editor would read a printed or written manuscript, manually mark information technology with editor's "correction marks". At sizable newspapers, the chief copy desk was frequently U-shaped; the copy desk chief sat in the "slot" (the heart infinite of the U) and was known equally the "slot human", while copy editors were arrayed effectually him or her on the outside of the U, known every bit the "rim".[23] In the past, copy editors were sometimes known humorously as "rim rats". Chief copy editors are still sometimes called "the slot".[24] Simply nowadays, the manuscript is more than frequently read on a computer brandish and text corrections are entered directly.

The most universal adoption of computerized systems for editing and layout in newspapers and magazines has also led re-create editors to become more involved in the design and the technicalities of production. Technical knowledge is therefore sometimes considered as important as writing ability, though this is truer in journalism than it is in volume publishing. Hank Glamann, the co-founder of the American Copy Editors Order, made the following observation nigh ads for copy editor positions at American newspapers:

We desire them to be skilled grammarians and wordsmiths and write bright and engaging headlines and must know Quark. Simply, ofttimes, when push button comes to shove, nosotros will let every single one of those requirements slide except the last one because you accept to know that in order to push the push button at the appointed time.[25]

Traits, skills, and preparation [edit]

As well an outstanding control of the language, copy editors need broad general cognition for spotting factual errors; proficient critical thinking skills in order to recognize inconsistencies or vagueness; interpersonal skills for dealing with writers, other editors, and designers; attending to detail; and a sense of style. They must also set priorities and balance a want for perfection with the demand to encounter deadlines.

Many re-create editors have a higher degree, often in journalism, communications, or the language of the writing that they edit. In the The states, copy editing is ofttimes taught as a college journalism grade, though its proper name varies. The courses often include news pattern and pagination.

In the United States, The Dow Jones Newspaper Fund sponsors internships that include ii weeks of training. Too, the American Press Institute, the Poynter Institute, the University of N Carolina at Chapel Colina, UC San Diego Extension, and conferences of the American Re-create Editors Gild offer midcareer training for newspaper re-create editors and news editors (news copy desk supervisors).

Nearly U.s.a. newspapers and publishers give copy-editing job candidates an editing test or a tryout. These vary widely and can include full general items such as acronyms, current events, math, punctuation, and skills such as the use of Associated Press fashion, headline writing, infographics editing, and journalism ethics.

There are no official bodies offering a recognized proof-reading qualification in either the US or the UK. In the Britain, the National Council for the Training of Journalists besides has a qualification for subeditors.[ failed verification ]

Contemporary [edit]

Before the digital era, re-create editors would mark errors and inconsistencies with a blood-red pen, using a markup language of symbols which were universally known. The traditional copy editor was one time defined equally editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of style.[26]

Copy-editing symbols cannot be used in digital editing because they are not supported on digital platforms such as runway changes. With more than posting online and less printing on paper, hard-re-create can no longer keep pace with digital publishing.[27] For a publisher to rent re-create editors to impress a difficult copy, make edits, and then make changes is no longer the well-nigh efficient process. The position of copy editors is at risk considering time demands quicker results which tin exist automated by software that catches grammatical errors.[28] Transferring the responsibility from human being re-create editors to digital software has been adopted by some publishing companies because information technology is available free of cost.

Professionals feared that the introduction of digital editing software would cease copyediting careers. Copy editors are still employed and needed for heavy edits, such as fact-checking and content organization, which are beyond the abilities of the software. With grammer software and journalists who can edit, re-create editors are seen as a luxury in publishing.[28] The potential for a visitor to use editing software may also require the copy editor to just perform heavy editing and querying. Though the steps for copyediting are the aforementioned, the execution has been adapted for digital environments.

The technological development of cloud storage allows contemporary re-create editors and writers to upload and share files across multiple devices.[29] Online discussion processors such as Google Docs, Dropbox, Zoho, OpenGoo and Buzzword let users to perform a number of tasks. Each processor has its advantages and disadvantages based on the users' preferences, but primarily allows users to share, edit and collaborate on documents.[thirty] Recently, OpenGoo has been rebranded as Feng Office [31] On Google Docs users can invite others via email to view, comment, and edit any file of their choosing.[32] Those invited tin view and edit the document together in existent time.[32] Unlike Google Docs whose files can only be shared through the web app, Dropbox shares from a desktop app.[27] [32] Dropbox users can share documents equally links or equally shared folders.[thirty] Users tin create shared folders and add others to the folder.[30] Files in a shared folder will announced in the other user's Dropbox and all involved users receive notifications when edits are fabricated to a file in the binder.[30] Adobe's Buzzword allows users to share files, with the user'south selection from varying levels of editing access and includes a version history feature which tracks changes made to documents and lets users revert to earlier versions.[32] Useful in many discussion processors, a track changes feature allows users to brand changes to a document and view them separately from the original document. In Microsoft Word, users can choose whether to prove or hide changes past clicking rail changes nether the Review ribbon.[33] Those editing documents can go out comments by clicking wherever the user desires to leave a annotate and clicking New Comment under the review ribbon or by highlighting text and clicking New Comment.[33] Users tin employ revisions and choose which level of markups to view under the Show Markup dropdown card in the Review ribbon.[33] Users tin can likewise choose to accept or reject changes by clicking either Accept or Reject in the Review Ribbon.[33]

Contemporary copy editor [edit]

The field of re-create editing is non obsolete. Teresa Schmedding, president of the American Copy Editors Guild (ACES) and a deputy managing editor at the Daily Herald in Chicago, thinks that re-create editors are "a natural fit" for digital journalism and social media because, though publishing has been made available to well-nigh anyone, quality and brownie is brought to content only by copy editors.[33]

Copy editors must now consider multimedia aspects of the story, such as video, images, audio, and search engine optimization, which may be included in digital publications.[33] Digital editing now requires copy editors to understand SEO, HTML, CSS, and RSS feeds,[33] also as creative tools like Adobe Illustrator.

Issues [edit]

1 of the problems with copy-editing is that it may slow the publication of the text. With the digital publishing era came an increased demand for a fast turnover of information. Additional details such as color printing, page size, and layout are determined by the allotted budget.[34] Spider web-based publications, such as BuzzFeed and Slate, do not have enough room in their budgets to continue sufficient staff to edit their massive, daily rushes of content. Therefore copy main Emmy Favila says lower-priority posts are published without copyedits at Buzzfeed.[35] Slate does not edit its blog posts before publication, but all of its news articles are copy edited before publication, say Slate copy chief Lowen Liu and deputy editor Julia Turner.[35]

In response to such loftier demands for fast-produced content, some online publications have started publishing articles commencement and and so editing after, a process known as back-editing. Editors prioritize stories to edit based on traffic and whether the content was originally reported for needing edits.

Reading material has become increasingly attainable to users with a wide range of disabilities. Carolyn Rude exemplifies such cases in alternatively replacing illustrations with text and audio translations for the visually impaired.[34] Rude besides suggests that web developers attempt to stick to print guidelines, such equally "clear and simple linguistic communication and consistent terms and navigation devices", especially when readers are looking at text in a second linguistic communication.[34]

Effects of the Net [edit]

Every bit online resources rise in popularity, copy editors endeavor to run into the increase of digital consumerism to the all-time of their abilities, and such high competition has resulted in a gradually "declining of quality in editing", such as copy editing or fact-checking.[19] Yet, this doesn't mean that the Internet has limited the scope of a copy editor'southward responsibilities or job opportunities. One of the almost important advancements of the digital age is the advent of pagination, which gives copy editors more than control over the construction and revisions of their content. Pagination is a convenient feature in programs such as "Pagemaker, the Quark Xpress, and AdobeIndesign".[19] Despite the increasing number of programs, however, some re-create editors believe their basic functions and duties haven't changed much. Other copy editors remember that the Internet has simplified fact-checking and that websites such as Facebook or Twitter have aided information-gathering. Other digital skills, such as image pick and search engine optimization, increment the visibility of search results, especially when searching for keywords in headlines.

In all likelihood, the Internet will keep to evolve, merely this shouldn't hamper the overall importance of re-create editing. Although it may be tempting to neglect proper revisions in favor of convenience, the credibility and quality of an editor'south piece of work should still be maintained, as there will always be updates in software and technology.[nineteen] As formats evolve, then too will the opportunities for journalists and other writers.

See also [edit]

  • ACES: The Lodge for Editing – Professional person system for copy editors
    • Robinson Prize – Annual award for excellence in re-create editing
  • Author editing – Editing an author'due south draft in preparation for its submission to publishers
  • Headline – Start element of a newspaper story
  • Listing of American copy editors
  • News design – Process of arranging material on a paper page
  • Photograph caption – A few lines of text used to explicate and elaborate on published photographs
  • Proofreading – Process by which transcription errors in a written or printed material are detected and removed
  • Way guide – Ready of standards for the writing and design of documents
    • AP Stylebook – Book on English usage by Associated Printing
    • The Chicago Manual of Mode – Academic manner guide by University of Chicago Press

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b "What Is Copy Editing?". Retrieved March 25, 2016.
  2. ^ Stainton, Elsie Myers (2002). The Fine art of Copyediting. Columbia University Press. ISBN9780231124782 . Retrieved 21 Feb 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d e f 1000 h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Einsohn, Amy (2011). The Copyeditor's Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications, with Exercises and Answer Keys. Berkeley, California: University of California. ISBN978-0-520-27156-ii.
  4. ^ Einsohn, Amy; Schwartz, Marilyn (2019). The Copyeditor's Handbook (4 ed.). Oakland, California: University of California Press. pp. five–14. ISBN978-0-520-28672-6.
  5. ^ Lozano, George A. Ethics of Using Linguistic communication Editing Services in an Era of Digital Communication and Heavily Multi-Authored Papers. Retrieved 24 July 2014.
  6. ^ "What is Copy Editing?". Sparkle Web Digital Services. Archived from the original on 2016-05-28. Retrieved 2016-05-04 .
  7. ^ Einsohn, Amy (2011). The Copyeditor's Handbook: A Guide for Volume Publishing and Corporate Communications, with Exercises and Answer Keys. Berkeley, California: University of California. ISBN978-0-520-27156-2. The eye of copyediting consists of making a manuscript suit to an editorial style (also chosen house manner). Editorial style includes:
    treatment of numbers and numerals
    treatment of quotations
    utilise of abbreviations and acronyms
    utilize of italics and bold blazon
    treatment of special elements (headings, lists, tables, charts, and graphs)
    format of footnotes or endnotes and other documentation.
  8. ^ Gilad, Suzanne (2007). Copyediting & Proofreading for Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. p. l. ISBN978-0-470-12171-9.
  9. ^
  10. ^ "Types of editing: What are the three core levels? - Jo Finchen-Parsons Editorial". 29 April 2020.
  11. ^ Hellinga, Lotte (2009). The Gutenberg Revolutions A Companion to the History of the Volume, p. 211.Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 9781405192781.
  12. ^ a b Luey, Beth (2009). Modernity and Print III: The United States 1890-1970 A Companion to the History of the Book, p. 369.Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 9781405192781.
  13. ^ Harrigan, Jane R.; Dunlap, Karen Chocolate-brown (2003). The Editorial Heart (2nd ed.). Bedford/St. Martin'south. p. 387. ISBN9780312152703.
  14. ^ a b "History of Desktop Publishing". DesignTalk. Retrieved March 19, 2016.
  15. ^ "Volume Editing Looks at Developments in the History of Book Press and Publishing". The Authors Guild. Retrieved March 19, 2016.
  16. ^ Allen Renear (2002). "Desktop Publishing". The Gale Group Inc. Retrieved March 19, 2016.
  17. ^ a b Daniel J. Leab (1970). "Toward Unionization: The American Newspaper Guild and the Newark Ledger Strike of 1934-35". Labor History. Tamiment Institute. 11: 3–22. doi:10.1080/00236567008584104.
  18. ^ Cynthia J. Davis, Kathryn Westward (2006). Women Writers in the United States: A Timeline of Literary, Cultural, and Social History. Oxford UP. ISBN9780195358124 . Retrieved March 19, 2016.
  19. ^ a b c d e Avery-Ahlijian, Angela Anne. (2011). Copy Editing in the Digital Age: How Technology Has Changed Copy Editing (Thesis). Eastern Michigan University.
  20. ^ Dan Appenfeller (May xiii, 2014). "Copy Editors Carve Niche in Digital Media Mural".
  21. ^ Fred Vultee (June ane, 2013). "A look at the numbers: Editing task losses in the newsroom". Archived from the original on August nine, 2016. Retrieved April 19, 2016.
  22. ^ Phoebe Ayers (November xi, 2014). "Wikipedia, User-Generated Content, and the Hereafter of Reference Sources" in David A. Tyckoson, John G. Pigeon (eds). Reimagining Reference in the 21st Century. Purdue Upwards. ISBN9781557536983 . Retrieved January seven, 2019.
  23. ^ Bill Walsh. "What's a slot man?". The Slot . Retrieved July 28, 2014.
  24. ^ Deborah Howell (October 28, 2007). "The Power and Perils of Headlines". The Washington Post . Retrieved July 28, 2014.
  25. ^ "Workshop: Keeping your re-create editors happy". The American Society of Newspaper Editors. 7 August 2002. Archived from the original on 7 February 2006. Retrieved two January 2009.
  26. ^ "Definitions of editorial skills". Editors' Clan of Canada. Retrieved 5 Apr 2016.
  27. ^ a b "Copy Editing in the Digital Historic period: How Engineering Has Changed Copy Editing". Eastern Michigan University. 2011. Retrieved 5 April 2016.
  28. ^ a b "Will Automated Copy Editors Replace Homo Ones?". American Journalism Review. xiv April 2014. Retrieved 5 April 2016.
  29. ^ "Four Differences Between Google Drive and Dropbox". Coolhead Tech. 23 October 2013. Retrieved v Apr 2016.
  30. ^ a b c d "5 Great Alternatives to Google Docs You Should Consider". Make Use Of. 26 October 2009. Retrieved v Apr 2016.
  31. ^ "Web log".
  32. ^ a b c d "Overview of Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides". Retrieved v April 2016.
  33. ^ a b c d e f m "Runway changes while you edit". Retrieved 5 Apr 2016.
  34. ^ a b c Rude, Carolyn D.; Dayton, David; Maylath, Bruce (2006). Technical editing (4th ed.). New York: Longman. ISBN032133082X. OCLC 60188071.
  35. ^ a b "Copy Editors Carve Niche in Digital Media Mural". American Journalism Review. 13 May 2014. Retrieved 5 Apr 2016.

References [edit]

  • Anderson, Laura. McGraw-Hill'southward Proofreading Handbook. 2nd edn. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
  • Baskette, Floyd One thousand. & Sissors, Jack Z. & Brooks, Brian S. The Art of Editing. 8th edn. Allyn & Bacon, 2004.
    • Rewritten and updated: Brian S. Brooks and James L. Pinson. The Art of Editing in the Age of Convergence, 11th edn. Routledge, 2017.
  • Butcher, Judith; Drake, Caroline; Leach, Maureen (2006). Butcher'due south Copy-editing: The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Copy-editors and Proofreaders (4th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Printing. ISBN978-0-521-84713-1 . Retrieved 18 September 2012.
  • Einsohn, Amy. The Copyeditor's Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications. 2nd edn. Berkeley: University of California Printing, 2006.
  • Ginna, Peter (2017). What Editors Do: The Fine art, Craft and Business organization of Volume Editing. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN978-0-226-29983-9.
  • Judd, Karen. Copyediting: A Practical Guide. 3rd edn. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Learning, 2001.
  • Norton, Scott. Developmental Editing: A Handbook for Freelancers, Authors, and Publishers. Chicago: University of Chicago Printing, 2009.
  • Rude, Carolyn D. (2006). Technical editing. Dayton, David., Maylath, Bruce. quaternary edn. New York: Longman. ISBN 032133082X. OCLC 60188071.
  • Saller, Carol Fisher. The Subversive Copy Editor: Advice from Chicago (or, How to Negotiate Proficient Relationships with Your Writers, Your Colleagues, and Yourself). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.
  • Ó Brógáin, Séamas. A Dictionary of Editing. Dublin: Claritas, 2015. ISBN 978-0-9934649-0-4.
  • Smith, Peggy. Marking My Words: Teaching and Practise in Proofreading. 3rd edn. Alexandria, VA: EEI Press, 1997.
  • Stainton, Elsie Myers. The Fine Fine art of Copyediting. 2nd edn. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002.
  • Stroughton, Mary. The Copyeditor's Guide to Substance and Style. third edn. Alexandria, VA: EEI Printing, 2006.

Difference Between Editing And Revising,


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