
How To Set An Image As The Background For A Tkinter Box

Python Tkinter Text Box Widget is the advanced version of the Entry widget and covers all the drawbacks of Entry widgets in Python Tkinter. In this tutorial, we will learn everything about Text Widget. Also, we volition cover these topics.

  • Python Tkinter Text Box Non Editable
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Size
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Scrollbar
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Clear
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Go Value
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Word Wrap
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Variable
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Set Text
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Example
  • Python Tkinter Text Bold

If you lot are new to Tkinter, cheque out Python TKinter Programming.

Python Tkinter Text Box Not Editable

  • Text box widget in Python Tkinter provides a state option using which the Text box can be disabled. Once disabled, the user won't be able to edit the the content of Text box in Python Tkinter.
  • Country of the Text box tin exist either disabled or normal and the syntax to use land choice is:
          # set the Text widget to Not Editable fashion text_box.config(state='disabled')  # set the Text widget to Editable fashion text_box.config(state='normal')                  

Full Code:

Here is the full code for the implementation of Text box to Non Editable.

          from tkinter import *  ws = Tk() ws.title('PythonGuides') ws.geometry('400x300') ws.config(bg='#84BF04')  message =''' Dear Reader,      Thank you for giving your     Love and Support to PythonGuides.     PythonGuides is now available on      YouTube with the same proper name.  Thanks & Regards, Team PythonGuides '''  text_box = Text(     ws,     height=12,     width=forty ) text_box.pack(aggrandize=True) text_box.insert('end', bulletin) text_box.config(state='disabled')  ws.mainloop()        


Hither is the output of the to a higher place code, in this output user, won't be able to brand any changes to the provided text.

python tkinter Text box not editable
Non Editable Text Box Python

Read: Python Tkinter Entry – How to use

Python Tkinter Text Box Size

Text Box Size in Python Tkinter tin can be adjusted past changing the value of height and width of the Text box widget.

  • Height is the number of rows in the Text box widget.
  • Width determines the number of columns in the Text box widget.
  • In the beneath code snippet we take provided height as 12 and width as 40.
          text_box = Text(     ws,     top=12,     width=40 ) text_box.pack()        

Full lawmaking of the Program:

Here is the total code for the Program to implement Text box size in Python Tkinter. Height & width makes determines the size of Text box in Python Tkinter.

          from tkinter import *  ws = Tk() ws.championship('PythonGuides') ws.geometry('400x300') ws.config(bg='#A67449')  message =''' Honey Reader,      Don't let this situation     blind your future. Nosotros at     PythonGuides write tutorials     with existent life examples to      brand yous empathise the concept     in best possible manner.  Thanks & Regards, Team PythonGuides '''  text_box = Text(     ws,     height=13,     width=twoscore ) text_box.pack(expand=True) text_box.insert('terminate', message)  ws.mainloop()        

Output of Text Box Size in Python Tkinter:

In this output, you can count the number of lines to detect the height of the program and width can be constitute by counting a number of words including spaces.

python tkinter Text box size
Python Tkinter Text Box Size

Read: Python Tkinter Button – How to utilise

Python Tkinter Text Box Scrollbar

Data inside a Python Tkinter Text box could be more than the size of the screen. In that case, scrollbars help the users to navigate horizontally and vertically on the screen.

  • In this section, we volition learn how to implement scrollbars on the Text Box in Python Tkinter.
  • The best practice to implement scrollbars is to put the Python Tkinter Text box widget and Scrollbar widget inside ane frame and adjust their positions to the right and left.
  • Hither is an example of implementing Scrollbars in the Python textbox widget.

Here is the program for scrollbar using Text box in Python Tkinter

          from tkinter import *  def extract_data():     print(text_box.go('one.0', 'end'))   ws = Tk() ws.title('PythonGuides') ws.geometry('400x300') ws.config(bg='#84BF04')   message =''' One 2 3 Four V Six Seven Eight Nine Ten eleven twelve  thirteen fourteen fifteen  sixteen seventeen 18 nineteen twenty  '''  frame = Frame(ws)  text_box = Text(     frame,     height=xiii,     width=20,     wrap='word' ) text_box.insert('end', message) text_box.pack(side=LEFT,expand=Truthful)   sb = Scrollbar(frame) sb.pack(side=Right, fill=BOTH)  text_box.config(yscrollcommand=sb.set) sb.config(command=text_box.yview)  frame.pack(expand=True)  ws.mainloop()        

Here is the output of the programme. In this output vertical scrollbars are added to the Text box widget in Python Tkinter.

python tkinter Text box scrollbar
Python Tkinter Text Box Scrollbar

Read: Python Tkinter Progress bar – How to use

Python Tkinter Text Box Clear

Text box widget in Python Tkinter provides a delete() method using which we tin articulate the content of the text box widget.

  • delete() method accepts 2 arguments to clear the content of the Text box widget:
    • starting point: accepts float value; starts from ane.0; it deletes the provided row.
    • ending point: accepts bladder value; type 'end' to delete the entire information from starting signal. to delete specific rows simply mention the bladder value of the row.
  • Here is the sample code that you lot can attempt to understand the delete method of the Text Box widget in Python Tkinter. simply replace the beneath lawmaking with the full code at line four.
          text_box.delete(i.0, 5.0) # delete lines ane, 2, 3, 4 text_box.delete(5.0, 'end') # delete all lines except first four lines        

Full code for the Python Tkinter Text Box Clear Programme.

Hither is the total source code of plan in which nosotros have cleared the Text box widget using delete method in Python Tkinter.

          from tkinter import *  def clear_textbox():     text_box.delete(one.0, 'terminate')   ws = Tk() ws.title('PythonGuides') ws.geometry('400x300') ws.config(bg='#84BF04')  message =''' Dear Reader,      Don't allow this situation     bullheaded your time to come. Nosotros at     PythonGuides write tutorials     with real life examples to      make you understand the concept     in best possible way.  Thanks & Regards, Team PythonGuides '''  text_box = Text(     ws,     height=13,     width=twoscore ) text_box.pack(aggrandize=True) text_box.insert('finish', bulletin)  Button(     ws,     text='Clear',     width=15,     height=two,     control=clear_textbox ).pack(expand=True)  ws.mainloop()        

Output for the Python Tkinter Text Box Clear Plan :

In this output, we have demonstrated how to articulate content of Text box in Python Tkinter. The interface shows a Text box and a button. You lot can write any text inside the Text box and so if yous volition click on the button all the text will be deleted.

Python Tkinter Text box clear
Python Tkinter Text Box Clear

Read: Python Tkinter Canvas Tutorial

Python Tkinter Text Box Get Value

The text box in Python Tkinter offers a method Get which allows fetching all the information stored in the Text box. Get method requires Index equally an statement that specifies the range of fetching the information.


In this syntax, 1.0 is the starting position and the end keyword refers to the finish of the certificate. that means all the data will be fetched from the Text box.

          text_box.go(1.0, 'end')        

Source code of go() method in Text box.

Here is the Plan to demonstrate the get() method in Python Tkinter. In this program we will exist displaying the information on the last that was inserted in the Text box.

          from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox  def extract_data():     print(text_box.get('one.0', 'finish'))   ws = Tk() ws.title('PythonGuides') ws.geometry('400x300') ws.config(bg='#84BF04')   bulletin =''' You are invited to a Birthday Party  venue: Az Resort Timing: 7 pm, wednesday  Delight visit with family.  Regards, James   '''  text_box = Text(     ws,     top=thirteen,     width=40,     wrap='word' ) text_box.pack(expand=True) text_box.insert('end', bulletin)  Push(     ws,     text='Change Text',     command=extract_data ).pack(expand=True)  ws.mainloop()        


In this output, when user clicked on the change text button then, the text starts actualization the terminal. And then this is simply possible using go() method.

Python Tkinter Text Box Get Value
Python Tkinter Text Box Get Value

Read: Python Tkinter Progress bar – How to use

Python Tkinter Text Box Give-and-take Wrap

The wrap is used to shift the word to the next line if the margin is reached to improve the readability. Python Tkinter Text box widget provides an option wrap using which we can wrap up the characters or words of the sentences within Text box widget in Python Tkinter.

  • A sentence in the Text box widget can exist wrapped by words or characters.
  • wrap='char' , is used to wrap the judgement by character. Here the word breaks into sentences to encompass the available space just before reaching the margin.
  • wrap='word' , is used to wrap the sentence by the word. Hither the words will bound to the next line if they didn't fit the space before reaching margin.
  • This lawmaking snippet is picked from the full source lawmaking below. Here we have ready the wrap to 'word'. The total programme of code is available below this lawmaking snippet.
          text_box = Text(     ws,     height=thirteen,     width=40,     wrap='word' )        

Full code to perform word wrap on Text Box in Python Tkinter

In this program, nosotros have wrapped the text by words. That ways if the words volition shift to new line if the margin is reached.

          from tkinter import *  def clear_textbox():     text_box.delete('1.0', 'finish')   ws = Tk() ws.championship('PythonGuides') ws.geometry('400x300') ws.config(bg='#84BF04')  message =''' Dear Reader,      Thank you for giving your Love and Support to PythonGuides. PythonGuides is at present available on YouTube with the aforementioned name.  Cheers & Regards, Team PythonGuides '''  text_box = Text(     ws,     height=13,     width=40,     wrap='word' ) text_box.pack(expand=True) text_box.insert('finish', bulletin)  ws.mainloop()        

Output of Text box word wrap in Python Tkinter

In this output, two pictures are displayed with the caption Word wrap and graphic symbol wrap. In the left motion picture if there is no space left for the word so entire word shifts to next line whereas in the correct moving picture 'char wrap' is practical that means if there is a space for a single character and so that grapheme will sit there while other characters of word will shift to new line.

python tkinter text box wrap
Python Tkinter Text Box Word Wrap

Python Tkinter Text Box Variable

  • Text Box widget in Python Tkinter does not support variable, you won't be able to utilize variable and the possible reason is data is added using insert method in Text box widget.
  • Variable is used with other widgets like Entry, check buttons, radio buttons, etc.
  • Please note that here variable doesn't mean the name or characters that store the value of object, grade, or whatever other component. That variable is universal and used with each widget and programme. similar in our case text_box is the variable assigned to the Text Box widget.
  • Variable here is referred to the one that keeps a tape of changes and it tin can be StringVar, IntVar, BooleanVar, etc.
  • unknown option "-variable" this error means variables tin't be used with the Text box widget in Python Tkinter.
python tkinter Text box variable
error while using variable in Text widget

Python Tkinter Text Box Set Text

  • The set text option is to set the text on the widget but information technology is not applicable on the Text box widget.
  • In the Text box, we insert the data line by line similarly nosotros delete the information line by line. The programmer has to laissez passer the argument near the get-go and end position of new information.
  • Just while using set text nosotros don't need to pass any argument related to the position of data. This could be the possible reason that why the Set text pick or method is not bachelor for the Text box.
  • If set text is used in Text Box than following mistake will appear.
          AttributeError: 'Text' object has no attribute 'set'        

Python Tkinter Text Box Case

  • Text boxes are widely used in Desktop applications, Games, software like text editors, etc.
  • In this tutorial, we have shared multiple examples of Text box widgets in Python Tkinter that can be referred to for major or minor projects.

Python Tkinter Text Bold

In this department, nosotros will learn how to change text from normal to assuming in Text box widget. Likewise, we apply the above mentioned plan just with the alter in text type to Bold.

  • Using font, we tin fashion the await and feel of the awarding. The font offers three things (font proper name, font size, and font-weight.
  • The font name tin Arial, times new roman, etc there is n number of fonts and you can choose any of them only it must exist supported by your organization.
  • The font Size determines the predefined value of height and width. Changes to the number will increment or decrease the font size.
  • The font-weight determines whether the font will look bold, italic, and underline.
          from tkinter import *  def clear_textbox():     text_box.delete('one.0', 'end')   ws = Tk() ws.title('PythonGuides') ws.geometry('500x400') ws.config(bg='#84BF04')  bulletin =''' Dearest Reader,      Thank you for giving your     Love and Support to PythonGuides.     PythonGuides is now available on      YouTube with the same name.  Thanks & Regards, Team PythonGuides '''  text_box = Text(     ws,     height=13,     width=40,     font= ('Arial', xvi, 'bold') ) text_box.pack(aggrandize=True) text_box.insert('stop', message)  ws.mainloop()        

Output of the higher up code:

In this output, you can see that the text is appearing larger and information technology is bold. It can done past altering the values in font option.

Python Tkinter Text box Bold
Python Tkinter Text Box Example – Bold Text

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In this tutorial, we have learned about Python Tkinter Text Box and how to apply the Text box widget in Python Tkinter. Also, we accept covered below mentioned topics.

  • Python Tkinter Text Box Not Editable
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Size
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Scrollbar
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Clear
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Become Value
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Word Wrap
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Variable
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Set Text
  • Python Tkinter Text Box Instance
  • Python Tkinter Text Bold

How To Set An Image As The Background For A Tkinter Box,


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